Hey, There!
I’m Liz.

Thanks so much for stopping in to my blog about living with pets!

I’m just a relatively average pet-obsessed-mother-pupper who started a lifestyle blog about parenting my fur children.

Here I explore all the beautiful things that make life worth living. I’m so touched that you stopped in to see my latest obsessions. I hope to share only the best, most practical things to bring joy and love to your lives and families too!

I am not a trainer, groomer or vet. I’m just an average pet parent trying to cope with the daily tasks of taking care of my home zoo.

My goal is to journal my struggles of raising my fifth puppy alongside the rest of the animals that make up this suburban farm, share with you both the struggles and the joys of pet parenting and and offer a judgement-free space to join together.

So please, leave comments, share your stories and together we will get through this beautiful messy world <3


Liz + Mookie + Millie + Maisie

living with pets


A clean home is more than just a sight for sore eyes; it’s a sanctuary that offers a multitude of benefits for both your physical and mental well-being.

The act of tidying up and maintaining cleanliness might seem like a routine chore, but its impact goes far beyond aesthetics. In this article, we’ll delve into the array of benefits that come with a well-maintained, organized living space.


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, our homes serve as our sanctuaries. They’re not just places to rest our heads; they’re our personal havens, reflecting our unique styles and personalities.

For many of us, our furry companions are an integral part of our lives. Striking a balance between a clean, stylish, and pet-friendly home might seem challenging, but it’s a goal worth pursuing.

In this section, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of achieving this harmonious blend.

pet friendly home


In a world of mass-produced goods and instant gratification, there’s a special joy in creating something with your own hands.

The DIY (Do It Yourself) approach to projects and crafts isn’t just a pastime; it’s a fulfilling and enriching experience that offers numerous benefits.

In this article, we’ll delve into the art of creating and explore the many advantages it brings to your life.

Living With Pets

Pets have long held a special place in our hearts and homes. From dogs and cats to birds and rabbits, the joys of living with pets are undeniable. They bring us unconditional love, companionship, and countless moments of happiness.

This blog was created to explore the multifaceted joys of sharing our lives with these beloved creatures, delving into the emotional, physical, and psychological benefits they provide while also suggesting practical and elegant ways to embrace them in your home.

Whether you are a seasoned pet owner or considering welcoming a furry friend into your home, read on to discover the many reasons why living with pets can be an incredibly rewarding experience.


How Living with Pets Can Improve Your Emotional and Mental Health


One of the most remarkable aspects of living with pets is the unwavering love and affection they offer.

Regardless of the ups and downs of our daily lives, our pets greet us with pure joy and excitement, reminding us that we are cherished. Their unconditional love has a profound impact on our emotional well-being, providing solace during times of stress, loneliness, or grief.

Research has shown that the presence of pets can reduce anxiety and depression. Simply stroking a cat’s soft fur or playing fetch with a dog can release oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and stress reduction.

These simple acts of love create a deep emotional connection that enriches our lives and promotes a sense of purpose and happiness.

Living with Pets Enhances Connection…

Living with pets brings an invaluable sense of companionship. Pets are constant companions, always ready to listen without judgment, offering a comforting presence during challenging times.

Whether it’s a loyal dog by your side during a morning walk or a cat curled up on your lap while you read a book, pets have an innate ability to ease feelings of loneliness and isolation.


The Physical Health Benefits of Living with Pets


Pets also provide a unique form of support, particularly for individuals facing health challenges or the elderly. Therapy animals, such as dogs trained to assist people with disabilities, offer not only physical aid but also emotional support. These animals can detect changes in their owner’s well-being, providing a source of comfort and security.

Living with pets has been linked to numerous health benefits. Regular interaction with pets has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and decrease the risk of heart disease.

The physical activity associated with caring for pets, such as walking or playing, can contribute to improved fitness and weight management.

Moreover, pets encourage us to lead more active and fulfilling lives.

Dogs, for instance, require daily exercise, which often motivates their owners to engage in regular physical activity. This, in turn, promotes healthier habits and a more active lifestyle.

Living with pets is a privilege that brings immeasurable joy to our lives. The unconditional love, companionship, and numerous health benefits they provide make them cherished members of our families.

Have you ever considered the impact of your environment on your mood? A clean home isn’t just pleasing to the eye; it’s a catalyst for a brighter outlook. Uncover how the connection between your surroundings and your mental state can influence your daily interactions, relationships, and overall happiness.

Join us on a journey to explore how a well-maintained space can boost productivity, reduce anxiety, and even ignite your creativity. Learn the secrets of streamlining your routine, fostering healthy habits, and making your home a hub of positive energy that radiates throughout your life.

Have you ever considered the impact of your environment on your mood?

Uncover how the connection between your surroundings and your mental state can influence your daily interactions, relationships, and overall happiness.

Join us on a journey to explore how a well-maintained space can boost productivity, reduce anxiety, and even ignite your creativity.

Learn the secrets of streamlining your routine, fostering healthy habits, and making your home a hub of positive energy that radiates throughout your life.