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Welcome to Paw Parenting!

A lifestyle blog dedicated to exploring all the beautiful things that make life worth living alongside our pets. I’m so touched that you stopped in to see my latest obsessions. I hope to share only the best, most practical things to bring joy and some pawsome love to your lives and fur families too!

About Paw Parenting

My goal is to inspire you and your pet to love your home. Many of my home decor, DIY, home styling and budget friendly projects are tested and tried to make sure they are functional.

Living with pets brings immeasurable joy and fulfillment to our lives. These furry, feathered, or scaly companions become cherished members of our families, offering unconditional love and companionship.

I think it goes without saying, the joys of pet ownership are boundless. Pets provide unwavering companionship.
Their presence is a constant source of comfort, and their simple presence can turn a lonely day into a joyful one.

Whether it’s the enthusiastic greeting of a dog when you return home or the soothing purr of a cat nestled on your lap, pets have an incredible ability to make us feel valued and needed.

Pets teach us important life lessons.

Responsibility is instilled as we care for their needs, ensuring they are well-fed, healthy, and happy.

The routines of feeding, grooming, and exercise remind us of the importance of consistency and dedication in our own lives.

Pets also offer a unique form of stress relief.

The act of petting a cat or stroking a dog can lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety.

Their playful antics and endearing quirks bring laughter and smiles, providing an instant mood lift.

In addition, the outdoors becomes more inviting with a pet by your side, encouraging regular exercise and exploration of the world around us.

They foster a sense of adventure and wonder, reminding us to appreciate the beauty in the simple things.

The joys of living with pets are multifaceted and profound.

They enrich our lives in countless ways, teaching us about love, responsibility, and the beauty of the present moment.

The bond between humans and their pets is a testament to the remarkable connection that can exist between different species, and it’s a bond that brings endless happiness to both parties.

This is why I’ve dedicated this space to providing beautiful, functional and pet-friendly options for people to live cohesively with their pets and truly engage in a lifestyle of unconditional love.


Interested in Collaborating?

Hi, I’m Liz!

Thanks so much for stopping in to my blog about living with pets! 

I’m just a relatively average pet-obsessed-mother-pupper who started a lifestyle blog about parenting my fur children.

Here I explore all the beautiful things that make life worth living. I’m so touched that you stopped in to see my latest obsessions. I hope to share only the best, most practical things to bring joy and love to your lives and families too!

I am not a trainer, groomer or vet. I’m just an average pet parent trying to cope with the daily tasks of taking care of my home zoo.

My goal is to journal my struggles of raising my fifth puppy alongside the rest of the animals that make up this suburban farm, share with you both the struggles and the joys of pet parenting and and offer a judgement-free space to join together.

So please, leave comments, share your stories and together we will get through this beautiful messy world <3


Liz + Mookie + Millie + Maisie

“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” 

James Cromwell

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